[. . . ] DellTM DimensionTM 2300 service tag CD or DVD headphone connector CD or DVD volume control dial floppy drive light power light power button CD or DVD drive activity light CD or DVD eject button floppy drive eject button hard-drive activity light USB 2. 0 connectors (2) headphone connector power connector voltage selection switch keyboard connector parallel connector video connector line-out connector line-in connector microphone connector USB 2. 0 connectors (4) serial connector mouse connector PCI card slots w w w. c o m Hints, Notices, and Cautions HINT: A HINT indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer. NOTICE: A NOTICE indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem. CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death. Abbreviations and Acronyms For a complete list of abbreviations and acronyms, see the Tell Me How help file. [. . . ] The Restoration Complete screen appears after System Restore finishes collecting data, and then the computer automatically restarts. 6 After the computer restarts, click OK. To change the restore point, you can either repeat the steps using a different restore point, or you can undo the restoration. Undoing the Last System Restore NOTICE: Before undoing the last system restore, save and close all open files and close all open programs. Do not alter, open, or delete any files or programs until the system restoration is complete. 1 2 3 Click the Start button, point to All Programs Accessories System Tools, and then click System Restore. The System Restore screen appears, and then the computer automatically restarts. 4 After the computer restarts, click OK. Enabling System Restore If you reinstall Windows XP with less than 200 MB of free hard-disk space available, System Restore is automatically disabled. To see if System Restore is enabled: 1 2 3 4 5 Click the Start button, and then click Control Panel. Make sure that Turn off System Restore is unchecked. Advanced Troubleshooting 55 w w w. c o m Drivers What Is a Driver? A driver is a program that controls a device such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard. A driver acts like a translator between the device and the programs that use the device. Each device has its own set of specialized commands that only its driver recognizes. Many drivers such as the keyboard driver come with your Microsoft® Windows® operating system. You may need to install drivers if: · · · You upgrade your operating system. You connect or install a new device. If you experience a problem with any device, perform the steps in the following sections to identify whether the driver is the source of your problem and to update the driver, if necessary. Identifying Drivers 1 2 3 4 5 6 Click the Start button and click Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, under Pick a Category, click Performance and Maintenance. In the Device Manager window, scroll down the list to see if any device has an exclamation point (a yellow circle with a [!]) on the device icon. If an exclamation point is next to the device name, you may need to reinstall the driver or install a new driver. 56 Advanced Troubleshooting Reinstalling drivers NOTICE: The Dell Support website and your Dell Dimension ResourceCD provide approved drivers for DellTM computers. If you install drivers obtained from other sources, your computer might not work correctly. Using Windows XP Device Driver Rollback If a problem occurs on your computer after you install or update a driver, use Windows XP Device Driver Rollback to replace the driver with the previously installed version. To use Device Driver Rollback: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Click the Start button and click Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, under Pick a Category, click Performance and Maintenance. In the Device Manager window, right-click the device for which the new driver was installed, and then click Properties. Click Roll Back Driver. If Device Driver Rollback does not resolve the problem, then use System Restore (see page 54) to return your operating system to the operating state it was in before you installed the new driver. Using the Dell Dimension ResourceCD If using Device Driver Rollback or System Restore (see page 54) does not resolve the problem, then reinstall the driver from the Dell Dimension ResourceCD: 1 With the Windows desktop displayed, insert the ResourceCD into the CD or DVD drive. c o m 2 3 4 5 HINT: The ResourceCD displays drivers only for hardware that came on your computer. [. . . ] DELL DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SOME STATES (OR JURISDICTIONS) DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, SO THIS LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. DELL'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR MALFUNCTIONS AND DEFECTS IN HARDWARE IS LIMITED TO REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT AS SET FORTH IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENT. THESE WARRANTIES GIVE YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE (OR JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION). [. . . ]